Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A very brief intro

Hi, I'm me, who will be known as shacri to you on here. =) I have issues but that doesn't make me a bad person. It makes me special, no not riding the short bus special, not that there's anything wrong with riding the short bus I might add! I believe bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people and I don't understand why that is. I obsess, a lot, and I can't control it. It's not like OCD, I obsess about people, mostly people I care about. I have trust issues, I'm a Love Addict, which means I'm 99.9% of the time attracted to Love Avoidants because "normal" people bore me and I like the challenge. Unfortunately, being addicted to Love Avoidants makes relationships very painful. Ok, enough of that, for now. I have two children, both boys. I'm not the best mother in the world, but I do what I can. My oldest wrote me a very hateful letter last night, basically he hates me and wishes I would die. He's 13 and I wouldn't let him get on my laptop, enough said. I'm addicted to Starbucks and Farmville also. I'm trying to be addicted to running as my goal is to run my first 5K in 2010, so far, not even close to being addicted. Ummm what else? I don't feel I need to be popular on the internet, I have a real life for that. I have lots of "friends", but only a couple of FRIENDS and I love them dearly. They get me and they still love me =) And THAT is a tall order, I promise. So I think that's all for now. I will tend to get deep, dark, negative, so I apologize in advance. I'm not a happy do-gooder blogger. I'm real and I speak my mind which never really works in my favor, but I just can't seem to stop myself...